Contemporary Regional & Global Sea Level Rise: Assessment of Satellite, in-situ Observations and Climate Models. Working group funded by the International Space Science Institute
Reduced Complexity models, within the Helmholtz-Incubator Information & Data Science program.
Asia-Floods:Extreme sea-level events along South-East Asian coast: past, present and future, funded by the German Science Foundation within the Program Sea Level.
Palmod - Form the last interglacial to the anthropocene: modelling a complete glacial cycle, funded by BMBF, start September 2015.
Annually resolved archives of marine climate change, ARAMACC, funded by EU, start September 2013.
Influence of large-scale climate variability on upwelling regimes off the Namibian coast:implications for past and future climates. Sub-project in GENUS-II Geochemistry and Ecology of the Namibian Upwelling System), funded by BMBF, start May 2012
Climate signals in coastal deposits. Subproject in REKLIM. Funded by the Helmholz Society, Start January 2012.
Neue statistische Verfahren für amplitudenoptimierte Paläeoklimarekonstruktionen aus zeitlich hochaufgelösten verrauschten Proxydaten, funded by the DFG, start October 2011.
Precipitation in the past millennia in Europe -Extension back to Roman times(PRIME-II, funded by the German Science Foundation, start end 2011).
The future climate of the Hamburg region under the assumption of a global temperature increase of two Kelvin (Hamburg 2K, funded by the DFG within the cluster of excellence CLISAP "Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction")
Precipitation in the past millennium in Europe (PRIME,funded by the German Science Foundation, start September 2009).
Advanced modeling tool for scenarios of the Baltic Sea ECOsystem to SUPPORT decision making (ECOSUPPORT, funded by the EU-BMBF, s
tart January 2009).
Plussee long-term data acquisition and analysis (PLUSDATA, funded by the DFG within the cluster of excellence
CLISAP "Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction").
European Climate of the last millennium (MILLENNIUM European Climate, funded by the EU).
Relationships between Baltic Sea level variations and periods of rapid climate change in the Holocene as analogues for future cha
nges (SINCOS-2, funded by the DFG).
Integrated Baltic Sea Environmental Study (IBSEN, funded by the BMBF/DEKLIM).
Coral climate history of the subtropical North Atlantic - High resolution proxy records from Bermuda (CORCLIM, funded by the BMBF
Simulations, Observations and Palaeodata -climate variability over the last 500 years (SO&P, funded by the EU).
Sinking coasts -Climate related sea-level variations in the Baltic Sea in the last few thousand years (SINCOS, funded by the DFG).
Climate Change at the end of the Eemian warm period (EEM, funded by the BMBF/DEKLIM).
Regional Atmospheric Models in the Simulation of Hydrological Extremes (RAMSHES, funded by the CICYT, Spain).
Frequency and intensity of heavy precipitations in Mediterranean Spain within a modified climate (FIRME, funded by the CICYT,
Natural climate variability in historical times (KIHZ, funded by the Helmholtz Society).